How to help your business grow through optimized blog posts

When your blog posts are optimized, you’ll show up higher in the search engine result pages

Business owners are most likely aware of the need for advertising to grow their ventures online. This can come in the form of digital posters, product photos, and website design. But sometimes, the aforementioned variables just don’t do the trick in generating leads. Luckily, optimized blog posts have become game-changers, helping to increase brand awareness and getting people to visit your website. Let’s talk about how you can use SEO to make your blog work towards the growth of your business online.

Why is SEO important?

More people are turning to the internet for solutions, with the Global Web Index 2020 report showing that 81% of internet users aged 16 to 64 in the US search for products and services online. Search engines work by showing these users results that match their queries and preferences the most. When your blog posts are optimized, you’ll show up higher in the search engine result pages (SERP), and it’ll be easier for audiences to find your page.

Having the correct elements in your blog posts will also let you attract better quality visitors who are more likely to be interested in your business. That said, blog posts are excellent for your website’s SEO, because they can provide a steady stream of shareable and optimizable content which can generate organic traffic. The more optimized your blog posts are, the more chances there are for the right people to come across your business online.

Using keywords

Blog posts are a way for businesses to provide relevant information to consumers ¬– they boost brand credibility and trustworthiness. But to be able to reach the proper audiences, you need to use relevant terms called keywords that your target customers are most likely to search on the topic. These keywords should be strategically placed in your blog posts, so that they will help your post rank for specific search terms.

The best words to use may come by instinct when you write, but it’s always best to do extensive research. To make it easier for businesses, there are SEO tools that are readily available to help you pick out the right keywords to use. Better quality keywords can increase your chances of ranking higher than competitors in search results.

Give and earn backlinks

Backlinking is the process of linking to external pages within online content pieces. This is important in SEO because it tells search engines which web pages or websites are “trusted sources” and are worth ranking in the SERPs. When more websites link to your page, it prompts the search engine to increase your rank in the SERPs.

Ways to gain backlinks to your pages include approaching other blogs for partnerships and connecting with past clients who have reputable pages they can mention you in. Lastly, the most natural way to get high-quality backlinks is to create informative content that people actually want to read and websites want to link to as a credible source.

Hiring a dedicated content writer

Of course, none of the suggestions above would be effective if your content isn’t particularly engaging. To be able to make relevant and appealing blog posts, you’ll need to hire content writers who are dedicated and well versed in your field as well as in SEO in general. If you don’t have any writing staff of your own, outsourcing ghostwriters is an option. In fact, many successful brands hire ghostwriting businesses to emulate their brand’s voice when producing everything from blog posts to articles, and many people starting new ghostwriting businesses specialize in SEO writing. The quality of your content will determine your blog posts’ credibility and whether it gets shared, which are the foundations of all the other SEO tips mentioned earlier.

Standing out amidst all the noise on the internet may be a tall order, but SEO remains very important in helping businesses stay visible online. With 53% of website traffic coming from organic searches, blog posts can be a great tool for converting traffic into customers. So if you haven’t got the in-house expertise, then start looking for someone with the relevant experience to help grow your online reputation now.

Guest post by Amy Floss