From Scuba Diver to Portrait Photographer: Heather Crowder’s Business Success

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What if you could turn a passion into a thriving business? Join us as we chat with Heather Crowder, founder of Heather Crowder Modern Portraits, about her extraordinary journey from the depths of the ocean as a professional scuba diver to capturing life’s precious moments through her lens

Crowder’s journey began in the depths of the ocean, where she worked as a professional scuba diver and managed a high-end scuba retail business. Teaching scuba diving worldwide and capturing underwater moments were integral parts of her early career. These experiences provided her with a unique skill set that would later prove invaluable in her transition to portrait photography. Heather’s technical expertise in underwater photography, coupled with her entrepreneurial spirit, laid the foundation for her success in a completely different field.

One of the key takeaways from Heather’s story is the power of adaptability.Crowder’s early exposure to DSLR photography and her fascination with natural light portraiture in the mid-2000s helped shape her artistic vision. She recognized the parallels between the high-end service delivery in luxury scuba excursions and premium portrait sessions. This realization allowed her to leverage her past experiences and apply them to her new venture, ultimately building a successful portrait photography business.

Crowder’s journey was not without its challenges. Establishing credibility in a new market required perseverance and strategic thinking. She emphasized the importance of pricing strategies and maintaining self-value, lessons she learned from mentors in both the scuba and photography industries. By pricing her services where she wanted to be, rather than where she thought she should be, Heather was able to attract clients who valued high-end delivery and were willing to pay for premium experiences.

As Crowder’s business grew, she navigated various personal milestones and unforeseen challenges. The decision to rent her first studio space came shortly after discovering she was pregnant with her second child. Balancing family life with entrepreneurial growth required determination and adaptability. Heather’s story highlights the importance of efficient digital solutions in streamlining workflows and maximizing revenue. Platforms like GotPhoto played a crucial role in helping her manage the logistical aspects of her business, allowing her to focus on creativity and client engagement.

Crowder’s entry into school photography was a serendipitous decision sparked by a casual conversation at a holiday party. Despite initial panic and overwhelming tasks, her determination paid off, significantly expanding her business. Crowder’s innovative approach to school photography, which included outdoor shoots and sibling portraits, set her apart from traditional methods and resonated with clients. The use of digital platforms like GotPhoto further streamlined her workflow, enhancing efficiency and increasing order rates.

In the episode, Crowder also discussed the challenges and benefits of using different platforms for portrait photography, particularly in school settings. Transitioning from manual processes to automated systems like GotPhoto saved time and enhanced service delivery. Heather emphasized the importance of individualized, password-protected galleries for privacy and security. These digital solutions allowed her to continue marketing efforts and drive sales beyond initial deadlines, maximizing revenue opportunities.

Crowder’s story is a testament to the power of passion, adaptability, and leveraging past experiences. Her journey from professional scuba diver to successful portrait photographer showcases the blend of technical skill, creativity, and business acumen required to thrive in both fields. Crowder’s insights into pricing strategies, efficient workflows, and personalized service delivery offer valuable lessons for aspiring photographers and entrepreneurs alike.