Rise Above Research announces new photo reports

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Rise Above Research has updated its reports page with the latest industry research. Here are some of the recent entries:

  • 2024 US Photo Prints Forecast: 2023-2028  – The 2024 US Photo Prints Forecast: 2023-2028 is a five-year forecast for traditional photo prints, with volume and revenue broken out by home, online and retail store printing. The report includes a summary of overall market drivers and barriers, as well as forecast methodology and recommendations. Each forecast section also includes key charts and forecast numbers along with analyst commentary. PowerPoint charts and an Excel file are also provided along with the report.
  • Retail Photo 2023-2024 Volume Trends & Customer Expectations in Event of Store Closings  – Using data from the Rise Above Research US Photo Printing Studies in 2023 and 2024, this report with the long title takes a closer look at the printing activity of survey respondents who ordered photo prints either in a retail store or online for retail store pickup. It also goes into how their habits may change if the retail store they use were to close or stop offering in-store photo services.
  • 2024 US Photo Printing Study  – The 2024 US Photo Printing Study is the most in-depth consumer study on traditional photo printing in the US, and is still fresh. Fielded in April-May of this year, it provides the results of an extensive online survey of 1,113 US consumers between the ages of 13 and 79 that focuses on printing habits and behaviors for traditional photo prints. There are thorough sections in the survey on retail, home and online photo printing, as well as questions on ordering from mobile devices. The impact of economic concerns on photo printing is also investigated, and those who don’t print photos were also asked why they don’t print and what would make photo printing more appealing to them.
  • Three-Year Trends Shows Downturn in Photo Merchandise Buyers – The report takes a closer look at photo merchandise buyers and first-time buyers of photo books, photo cards, and photo wall/tabletop décor over the last three years and identifies and discusses a downward trend in sales of these products.

In the pipeline is the annual US Photo Merchandise Study, which covers photo cards, books, calendars, wall/tabletop décor, and other products. The study will be fielded this month.