Canon adds firmware update for the PowerShot V10 vlog camera

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Canon PowerShot V10

Canon announced an upcoming firmware update for the PowerShot V10 Vlog Camera that will provide an updated algorithm for optimized and improved image stabilization. The update will optimize and improve image stabilization performance for shooting while walking. Creators can choose the IS mode setting according to the scene they are looking to capture –options such as “On” and “Enhanced” have now been improved through the firmware update. The update also corrects small to large blur levels with high precision, enabling high-quality image representation.

The PowerShot V10 camera, released in June 2023, is the first product in the company’s consumer video production, live streaming and vlogging line, the PowerShot V (V= Video Communication) camera series. Packed with key features, including an intuitive control user interface on the touch panel and frame AF mode for product reviews, the PowerShot V10 Vlog camera can be the priority piece of imaging equipment used for almost all things video.

The firmware update for the Canon PowerShot V10 is expected to be available in late June.