PSPC consulting firm launched to aid volume photographers

Longtime school photography executive Mark Schoenrock has assembled a team of advisors to serve volume photographers, photography companies, vendors and suppliers of all sizes and sales volumes, under the name Professional School, Sport and Special Event Photography Consulting (PSPC). Schoenrock says the venture was launched late last year in response to requests from volume photographers and vendors for information and advice on critical issues they were facing about their photography businesses. He put together a resource team to help with issues like how to grow different segments of volume photography, how to develop business strategies, how to lead and manage people and how to plan for succession and retirement.
Resource Team Members
- Jeff Allen, Digital Guideline Chair and Social Media Specialist
- Haim Ariav, co-owner of Glossy Finish
- Tony Cilento, inspirational speaker and award-winning master photographer
- Bill Freeman, owner of Freeman Photography
- Brandi Morgan, owner of East Coast Capture
- Mark Schoenrock, president, PSPC
“I’ve been blessed with many different experiences, opportunities and challenges in the photographic industry. A major chapter of my life was spent as an executive in the world’s largest photography company,” says Schoenrock. “That chapter offers a unique set of perspectives and strategies for today’s imaging industry and the photographic marketplace.
“I feel passionate about the volume industry’s need to embrace change. If we don’t innovate we’ll evaporate,” he adds. “Take a lesson from the volume companies that have evaporated, and prepare your company for change. It’s one of the most important jobs you have because no one is guaranteed survival rights.”
Schoenrock says the group’s goal is to drive performance by providing education, training and coaching on executive leadership, management development, change management, innovative thinking, organization design, strategy development, and performance management.
“The school picture business is an exciting market that poses real challenges for those not properly equipped,” he says. “For those already in the business, remaining profitable and relevant is becoming more difficult. Our goal is to help.”