drupa 2024 holding Imaging Summit: The Importance of Artificial Intelligence for the Printing and Imaging Industry

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drupa returns after an eight-year absence with a renewed sense of purpose. The event has announced the drupa Imaging Summit, one of the main themes will be the big trend topic of Imaging Artificial Intelligence, to learn about the current status and tools, discuss new product ideas and ways to enhance images for better prints. Th following presentations and many others will take place on the drupa dna stage on Thursday, May 30, and Friday, May 31, in Hall 7. The program is part of the drupa ticket.

Picture This: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Revolutionizing Image Creation, presented by Dennis Oberfeld, Google Cloud/Customer Engineer, shows how AI is supercharging the image creation process. The participants delve into Google’s powerful AI solutions, demonstrating how they streamline workflows and produce stunning results. Learn about upscaling, watermarking, and more – practical tools (not only) for print businesses and creatives alike. Oberfeld works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and implement tailored cloud strategies for optimal business outcomes. Prior to Google Cloud, he spent nearly a decade at SAP driving cloud adoption for enterprise customers.

Image generation via Artificial Intelligence: Tools & Workflows, presented by Andreas Jürgensen, founder, AI Imagelab | ai-imagelab.de, gives an overview of what is the current status of AI-generated images. Jürgensen gives a brief insight, into which programs are currently relevant – and which ones you should keep an eye on, in which processes AI-generated images are currently being used and in which fields of application they are becoming relevant. The presentation will be illustrated with application and image examples. Jürgensen is a photo engineer and has been working in the photo industry since 1993. His company juergensen.net operates Germany’s largest network of photo communities. At the end of 2022, he started to work with artificial intelligence and its use for image generation. Together with Adrian Rohnfelder he started the AI Imagelab, a news blog about everything related to AI-generated images and videos.

AI Unveiled: Navigating Past, Present, and Future in Photo Print Innovation, presented by Sarah Lefebvre, Director of Marketing at EyeQ Imaging Inc.. The Creators of the leading Imaging Software, Perfectly Clear, show the remarkable advances AI has made in recent years as Lefebvre connects today’s applications of AI to real-world use cases and their impact on the printing industry. Be prepared to delve into the exciting possibilities of the future as she unravels the transformative impact of AI on photo printing.

Sarah Lefebvre is director of marketing at EyeQ, where she focuses the company’s core message on the ROI businesses can achieve with Perfectly Clear, its automated photo and video editing technology.

Viesus: Prints enhanced in the blink of an AI, presented by Servi Pieters, CEO of Viesus. Do you deal with thousands or even millions of images daily for printing? Do you often find these images lacking in quality or pixels? Are you facing lost time, complaints, and missed opportunities? Discover the behind-the-scenes algorithms used by leading names in the photo printing industry to minimize suboptimal prints. This talk reveals how AI algorithms improve image print production, delivering quality without the need for manual intervention.

As CEO, Pieters leads Viesus in further developing AI and making it available on various platforms. In October 2022, he founded MyPrint.ai AG, driven by innovation with the application of generative AI technology in a webapp to print personalized and unique AI-generated artworks.