FastEditor adds editor for promotional products

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FastEditor, a leader in editing software for photo products, has officially expanded its offerings to include promotional product creation with the launch of its highly anticipated Logo Editor for promotional products and merchandise. With a combined approach of a frictionless online experience with full automation in the back-end of the process, this solution will bring higher conversion rates and large cost savings to the industry, the company claims.

After extensive testing with select partners earlier this year, FastEditor is ready to roll out its full version of the Logo Editor by the last week of September. With only four spots available for new partners before the end of 2024, businesses have a limited opportunity to join this innovative platform and benefit from a seamless, powerful logo editing experience, the company said.

The company’s full-service onboarding includes the configuration of all products partners wish to offer, ensuring a smooth integration so partners can have their product range of thousands of products available in the editor experience. The platform’s user-friendly UI/UX allows customers to edit their logos, place them on products, switch between different options like colors and printing techniques, and approve their designs.

One of the other key advantages of FastEditor’s Logo Editor is the full automation of the workflow, the company claims. The system delivers print-ready files using advanced vectorization technology, streamlining the entire process and reducing manual work.

The company claims the results from FastEditor’s first test partners have been “exceptional.” Initial testing has shown a 20% increase in online conversion, proving the platform’s ability to attract and retain customers. In addition, partners have seen a 25% improvement in basket value, thanks in large part to FastEditor’s Cross Sell Module, which shows the uploaded logo on complementary products and encourages customers to purchase more, the company says.

FastEditor is now opening up four spots for new partners looking to leverage the Logo Editor before the end of the year. With its proven ability to drive conversion and enhance customer experiences, the Logo Editor is the perfect addition for promotional products businesses that want to offer seamless, high-quality logo editing software and are focussed on automation and efficiency.