Flipping for technology in the classroom, at Jackson Magazine

Bringing technology to the classroom in Concord, MI
Bringing technology to the classroom in Concord, MI

Concord middle-school teacher Kristy Lefere is featured in this Jackson Magazine article about flip (or reverse) teaching, where in-classroom technology enables students to do what was once homework in class, while using time at home to guide themselves through the material.

Lefere, who is in her fifth year teaching at Concord, has spent a year working with the Jackson County ISD to incorporate technology in the classroom. Specifically, she is a piloting a “flipped classroom” approach to teaching, which is gaining popularity around the country.

In a flipped classroom, what was once “homework” is now done in class, while topics are covered the night before at home. This encourages students to learn at their own pace at home, while using valuable class time to review and to clarify concepts and material.

“Instead of spending the first 15-20 minutes of class time doing a lesson, students watch pre-recorded lessons (at home),” explains Lefere. She provides links to the lessons, pointing out there are many video sources, included those made by other teachers. (Lefere plans to make her own set of videos).

Read more at Jackson Magazine.