PI CONNECT 2020 imaging conference announces additional speakers, March 10 housing deadline
Design, decor and AR/VR expand the education program
Pro Imaging CONNECT, the executive conference for the photo/imaging industry, announced additional speakers at its conference on March 21-22, 2020, at the Horseshoe Bay Resort in Austin, Texas. Due to the high demand for accommodations, the housing deadline is Tuesday, March 10.
“Digital technology is breaking down the barriers between the photo/imaging lab and graphic arts markets,” says Toren Prawdzik, conference organizer, and president, Photo EVO. “PI CONNECT unites these industry interests for the future.”
New sessions and speakers at Pro Imaging CONNECT include:
Art in Design, from Ginger Hartford, founder of EurDesign Studio and vice president, marketing and creative, Artful Living Media, an emerging art publishing and global licensing agency. Hartford will provide an insider view for picture-perfect trends from the art and design industry, highlighting the convergence of art with the photo/imaging industry. Understand Millennials and affluent art collector profiles, how consumers are digitally engaging with art and technology, as well as category insights from top art publishers and home furnishings brands driving demand for key design and decorating trends in the marketplace.

Visual Tech is Transforming Industries, from Jim Malcolm, founder, Xiality LLC, who is a highly respected industry expert and thought leader who has delivered educational initiatives to more than 5,000 industry professionals. In this session, Malcolm will define AR/VR technologies and demonstrate how changes in visual tech are transforming the business of pictures, printing, and video.
Pro Imaging CONNECT kicks off Saturday, March 21, at 1 p.m., with a presentation by imaging industry analyst Alan Bullock, will present the educational program, “A Snapshot of the US Photo Printing & Imaging Market”; the session is sponsored by Mediaclip.
Speaking next will be leading international photo/imaging researcher, Don Franz, presenting, “The International World of Photo Imaging.” In this presentation, Franz will explore how social media and the internet have driven photo/imaging sharing and output around the world, both for consumers and professionals. He will also consider the reviving interest in film photography by both consumers and professionals.
The evening program, the Future Imaging Symposium, will feature Don Carli, president and co-founder, Nima Hunter Inc., speaking about “New standards for color and appearance management: Why you should care and what you need to know;” the session is sponsored by Photo Finale.
The Future Imaging Symposium will also feature a presentation on lab metric systems. Sean Haley of CSI and the Image Options team of Dave Bales and Brian Hite will share their experience between a legacy system like Pace from EFI and Lift ERP from Durst.
About Pro Imaging CONNECT
Pro Imaging CONNECT kicks off with two days of executive-level education, while Pro Imaging Golf follows with two days of networking and the famous scramble golf tournament. Attendees can choose to attend just the Pro Imaging CONNECT educational event, March 21-22; just the Pro Imaging Golf event, March 23-24; or both events.
Pro Imaging CONNECT registration is currently underway, with conference-only registration of $199. Until March 10, a nightly room at Horseshoe Bay Resort is $267.74 per night plus $179 conference registration. To attend both events, the registration package for Pro Imaging CONNECT, Pro Imaging Golf, nightly room, plus one round of golf per day at Horseshoe Bay Resort is $355.74 per night. There is a hard cut-off of March 10 for registration.
The Pro Imaging CONNECT program is programmed by Gary Pageau, editor of the Dead Pixels Society, the photo/imaging networking group and news site.
For more information, visit www.proimagingconnect.com
About Pro Imaging Expo
Pro Imaging Expo features networking, education and golf events for the imaging industry.
Pro Imaging Golf, with more than 30 years in existence and now partnered with SGIA, hosts more than 144 industry attendees in North Orlando, FL, for three days of fun-filled activities including golf, parties, networking events, and educational events.
Pro Imaging, in conjunction with SGIA, hosts a networking event at PRINTING United in October. This event is open to all in the industry.
Pro Imaging Expo’s newest event, Pro Imaging CONNECT, is aimed at education and networking for individuals in the pro lab, vertically integrated school/sports photography, and retail photography business.
More at www.proimagingexpo.com
About the Dead Pixels Society
The Dead Pixels Society, formed in 2009, is dedicated to provide news and information to the businesses in the photo imaging/industry. The group continues to meet clandestinely at industry events and conferences, identified by their stylish lapel pins.
More at www.thedeadpixelssociety.com
[…] Print Expo and, most recently, Dscoop Edge, have either been canceled or postponed. (Fear not: Pro Imaging CONNECT and Pro Imaging Golf events are continuing as planned.) In addition, Nikon Inc. announced it is not […]