Transforming business clarity in a fast-paced World, with Mitchell Levy

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Ready to uncover the secrets behind Silicon Valley’s success and learn from a global credibility expert? You won’t want to miss this episode where we sit down with Mitchell Levy, a dynamic executive coach and prolific author who has spent years at the epicenter of tech innovation. From steering companies in Silicon Valley to serving on a public firm’s board, Levy brings a treasure trove of insights from his interviews with 500 thought leaders. Levy shares the ten values of credibility and how they can transform your approach to business clarity in today’s fast-paced technological world.

Curious about how to build unshakeable trust with your customers? Discover the CPOP (Customer Point of Possibilities) framework, a strategy that will change how you articulate your business identity. Levy reveals his own CPOP—”coaches who’ve created a job, not a business”—and shares actionable tips on transitioning from a referral-dependent model to a thriving, sustainable enterprise. This segment delves into the crucial differences between merely having a job and running a business, emphasizing the value of consistent operations that keep entrepreneurs motivated and enthusiastic.

Are you thinking about expanding your business network? Mitchell discusses the importance of strategic decisions during expansion, particularly the cultural fit and alignment of values in acquisitions. Hear firsthand about the complexities and motivations behind acquisitions in public companies, whether for talent or product expansion. Plus, we introduce the Referral Network Club, a new initiative that promises to help you build valuable referral partnerships.