CEWE awards best photobooks of 2021

Jochen Fisches won first place in the 2021 CEWE PHOTOBOOK competition with his CEWE PHOTOBOOK “Vamos Chile”. The winners from more than 1,300 submissions were honored on April 29 in Oldenburg – and received prizes with a total value of 40,000 euros.

The winning photobook, “Vamos Chile”.

CEWE had invited to the award ceremony in Oldenburg: In a festive setting, the winners of the CEWE PHOTOBOOK competition once again presented their works and accepted their prizes.

“Each CEWE PHOTOBOOK tells its own, very personal story,” said juror Thomas Mehls, Member of the Management Board at CEWE and himself a passionate travel photographer. “The award-winning specimens show both the great joy in photography and design. They are therefore representative of the variety of design options offered by the CEWE PHOTOBOOK. In particular, it becomes clear how a CEWE PHOTOBOOK makes unique moments and stories come alive again and again for creators and viewers alike.”

A total of 1,367 entries in eight categories – including travel, family and nature – were submitted to the 2021 CEWE PHOTOBOOK competition and evaluated by the CEWE expert jury. The six jurors placed particular focus on the content, creativity and overall impression of the specimens. Anyone who had designed their CEWE PHOTOBOOK online and had ordered it no more than six weeks before sending it in could take part.

Award winners

Jochen Fisches was delighted with first place and thus the main prize, a VW e-up. Of all the entries, his CEWE PHOTOBOOK “Vamos Chile”, in which he impressively documents his first trip to South America, impressed the jury the most.

Susann Pohle, who took second place, captured recipes and food in a particularly aesthetic and creative way in her CEWE PHOTO BOOK “Food Photography”. The special feature: All photos were taken in her living room. She received a beach chair as a prize for her performance.

Vanthan Sivanolisingam came third with his holiday memories “Buongiorno Roma”. In his CEWE PHOTOBOOK, he takes the viewer on a journey to the historic capital of Rome – and was able to convince the CEWE jury with his search for “la dolce vita”.

Places 4 to 10 in the 2021 CEWE PHOTOBOOK competition went to:

Mareike Mosch with “Land of Ice & Fire”,

Bernhard Kogler with “Best of Alpentrail 2020”

Anastasia Binder with “Our Wedding”

Maximilian Terburg with “Local Small Animal Safari”

Carolin Lutz with “Chiemgau Alps 2020”

Monika Mess with “Little breaks from everyday life”

Birgit Scharnhorst with “South Africa”

The third to tenth place winners could look forward to a voucher for photo equipment. Places 11 to 50 were awarded a voucher for CEWE photo products worth 100 to 200 euros.

Special Jury Prize

Tamara Schlosser showed particular creativity in dealing with the CEWE software. For her CEWE PHOTOBOOK “Oh Bali. Tami & Philipp in Indonesia 2019″ she was awarded the special prize of the jury – and received an Apple iPad pro with Apple Pen.

The 50 best competition entries can be found online at CEWE Community Germany