Photo Finale announces express kiosk printing updates

Photo Finale announced updates for PF Kiosk (Build 50) and Print 50 (v9.7) expand input options. In myLab’s PF Kiosk settings, users will be able to set one or two of the following:
Cloud Routing: Photos and order data are uploaded to cloud platform and then downloaded by Print 50 / Lab 50. Orders can be rerouted to or downloaded by any Print 50 / Lab 50 station. Photos are also available to view and download from myLab for a minimum of 45 days.
Local Routing: Photos go over your LAN from the kiosk directly to your Print 50, where they’re synched with the order data that is transferred through the cloud. Only order metadata (no photos) will be visible in myLab or at Print 50 / Lab 50 stations (other than the station where the order is imported).
Express Routing: Photos are immediately released to a directly-attached printer connected to the kiosk, such as a dye-sub. Only order metadata (no photos) will be seen in myLab, Print 50 and Lab 50. Great for any instant print scenario.
Cloud storage options
Photo Finale also released PF 15.8.1 (website/platform release). The recent updates include new features and many fixes and tweaks.
One of the new enhancements is Stock Collections, where dealers can add sets of photos that will show alongside the user’s collections, making it a way to offer up images for anyone to use. Stock Collections could be used to showcase great shots of your local area, distribute event photos, offer static signage or printables, or even a way to advertise a promotion, the company said.
On the web and coming soon to the kiosk, users can now access photos they have stored in the cloud and use them in orders. In addition to computer or mobile inputs, if the retailer has the User Enhancements Bundle, customers will also have the Cloud Storage Option, where they can click and connect to photos stored in Facebook, Instagram, Google Photos, Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, or Box. In addition, the sites can to the free stock site, Unsplash, as a great source of iconic or scenic photos.
There is a new setting allowing dealers to turn off the cropping for a print product. This gives the lab a way to take in images that are not tied to a print size, which is ideal for custom size work, restorations, and digital file ordering.
Expanded catalog with outlabbed products
Photo Finale announced a number of options for outsourcing product production. Newly-added suppliers are marked with an asterisk (*).
- Advertek*
- Dan’s Camera* (Collagewall)
- Don’s Photo* (Collagewall)
- PLAK-IT* (Coming Soon)
- Art Crystal* (Coming Soon)
- Print Refinery Louisville*
- LA Cameras
- Fujifilm PPPG
- Custom Photo Imaging
- Waban Photo
- Custom Colour
- Pix[M]
- PhotoHaus
- Unforgettable Memories
- Richmond Camera
- Prestige Outlab (a mix of suppliers managed by PF)